She called me greenhorn, I called her Tony Randall

So I accepted the Sir Loin-alot challenge last night with a burger from Braums that was bigger than my stomach. I wasn't even half way through Roger before I started hallucinating. I remember seeing Sarah's burger and thinking it was big. Then she reached into the bag and pulled mine out. At least she was smart and ate slow and only ate half her burger which was about the size of a Whopper. But I couldn't do that. Despite eating half a lamb earlier, I decided to take her to school. Then Sarah and I watched the season premier to Grey's Anatomy, which was chock full of flashbacks and Bailey not exhibiting the same tough, Nazi-ish behavior as we have become accustomed to. Sarah's worried it will become a crap show soon. After last night's episode, though, I can't see it lasting much longer. Ideally, I would like it to end this season before they ruin it. But I guess it's never too late, or early, to ruin a show. And this could be the season it happens. Well, whatever. I have to figure out what I'm going to do tonight since Sarah is in Kansas City presenting her research project. It's about pilots who do barrel rolls and loop de loops while listening to Danger Zone and who ride motorcycles really fast. I think it's called "Pilots On Bikes and Why They Rock". It's really good. It's actually about the cognitive decline in older pilots and is very interesting. But it still fails to advise me on how to spend my loads of free time while she is gone. Playing games isn't the same without her walking into the room and saying "turn that shit off!" I guess I'll just binge on The Simpsons till she gets back on Sunday.

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