I should be a weather man

Except I should just come on after the weather segments so that I can say "no it won't" to everything the meteorologist just said. But what really annoys me is not their inability to accurately forecast the weather but rather the actual weather. It never thunderstorms during the day anymore. It's always at 2am. We never have a good storm in the middle of the day. Half the time I don't even know it rained at all until I leave for work the next day and the streets are still wet. That sucks. Whatever happened to the those days. I remember my junior year in high school where it rained for a month straight, day and night and I loved it. Why won't it do that again. It needs to; I command it. Damnit.

I really just want the power to go off at work so I can leave early. There, I said it.

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