Hello... Is anyone out there?

I've just spent a few minutes checking out all the usual blogs I read almost daily and not a one has updated. And I thought I had a boring weekend. Actually it wasn't that bad. I went to Durand's, played Grand Turismo and pined for all the cars we can't have. Then I came home late and pissed Sarah off. That was fun. Then I went for a drive Sunday morning to take Sarah a "package" which will remain unspecified due to it's femininity. I played Resident Evil for a few hours and posted some drawings on Myspace. You have to be my friend to look at them though. Sandy said she liked them, which made me happy. Then I went to my parents house and ate dinner and laughed at part of Wallace and Gromit and The Curse of the Wererabbit.
Then we watched part of that 9/11 mini-series and was bored and pissed off at the same time. Then I updated my Ipod that I got for $90 bucks thanks to a deal Nate got when he bought his new computer. There, my life in 30 seconds. That's so sad that I can sum up my weekend in 30 seconds. Bah. I'm going to drink tonight.


Anonymous said...

You shit!! thanks for including the point about my "feminine package" wow, so you summed up my weekend, I got pissed and then forgot my Birth control, Nice!

Nate said...

Gross. Henry and Sarah, I think I vomited a little bit in my mouth. Thanks for sharing! Now I'm off to change my daughter's poopy diaper. I hope it's extra poopy for you two!