Because sometimes you have to ride someone else's wave

I did a little work last night while listening to some old jams, such as Das Efx's "Straight Up Sewaside" and Busta Rhymes "The Coming" but it wasn't until I popped in "The Blueprint" did the juices start to flow. I guess sometimes you have to ride someone's else's wave of "I'm the baddest motherfucker on earth". I guess Jay Z never said that but he probably believes it. Either way, that shit got me hyped. But of course all his talk about how rich he was didn't rub off on me as I am still here at my day job, working for someone else. The satellite radio is having the reverse effect on me feeling like I am the baddest and I am making pictures like this now:

Yeah, that sucks. But I did hear Billy Joel's Heart Attack-ack-ack-ack song today. And at least that leaves a smile on my face.

Yoga Yoga Yoga

I hope nobody is reading this because I really don't have anything to write about. But as Aqua Teen Hunger Forces' Ol'Drippy said "idle hands spend time at the gentiles." I am at work, so it wouldn't be that good of an idea to be idle. I just finished sifting through all my email forwards and Orbitz was tired of my 400-160 win record in pool so they decided to reset my user ID. Bitches. But I couldn't leave well enough alone so I re-registered and am up 10-1 already. Bitches. The called me Mustard when I was really Ketchup so I had to zap their stupid asses. I'm made out of laffy-taffy. I wish I could zap Classmates and for all the shit they keep sending me. And I just want to know who really thinks Billy Madison is funnier that Happy Gilmore? I mean really, it had Action Jackson in it. I had never watched Billy Madison until a few days ago and it was f-ing dumb. But at the same time it had it's moments so I can't hate it too much. The Bob Barker fight trumps it, hand down. Sorry, Billy.

*Random thought- Play Street Fighter Alpha 2 and pick Dhalsim, then jump into the air and hit the taunt button. Ha Ha.*

Do You Know Who I Am?

It looks like the only thing I did right this weekend was get shot full of holes. We played Halo at my cousin's Saturday night. After watching the Jayhawks lose to Bradley, I was in the mood for some killn'. And kill I did. However, looking at my bullet-riddled body laying all spread eagle while waiting to respawn took up most of the night. I also got hit in the face a lot with the butts of other people's guns. But it was all worth it in the spirit of fun. That and Nate sucks a lot worse than I do. Remember that time I hit you in the back of the head with my gun? Oh, no you don't, ha. I did end up carrying my team towards the end of the night since Michael, Todd and Linden weren't pulling their weight. Yup, it was all me, leading our team straight into the jaws of defeat. Well, we all played well but the youngin's there still showed us up. Royce got a good portion of it on film but I don't know how much he can use without editing for massive amounts of swearing. "Wait, he went over, where did he, no, oh shit, goddamnit not again. Hurry up and spawn. Alright now, damn man, you fucking fragged me, hurry up and spawn." Yeah, that was my night. But as I left, Jonathan challenged me to a game of Street Fighter Alpha. One day the boys will learn that I've been playing Street Fighter when they were still in elementary school. And that's where I took him. Yeah Yeah. They also showed us a video called "Juggernaught bitch." It's an episode of X-Men dubbed over with some hilarious commentary. Comb your beard and go to to view it asap.

C-Murder didn't kill nobody

I find it hilarious that the murder case for C-Murder, Master P's little brother and founder of No Limit records, had his murder trial thrown out today. That's comedy. The man named C-Murder didn't kill anybody. Apparently, C-Murder is just his "stage" name.

What's up Texas, What's up

Only one thing to say... Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

The boredom is killing me, oh wait, it's a bullet

I think that if the opportunity presented itself right now, I would cross the streams.

But then if I had then I would not have had the chance to hear Shane in Quality Assurance shut down some dealer. That's right! Tell that motherfucker! I hate them so much. I mean, whatever happened to courtesy. I love it when dealers call from dealerships named "Friendly" and they absolutely are not. In fact, the polar opposite. Do they call the phone company like that. Do they call up to see what it would take to get digital cable and completely talk all over the person who picks up. I mean they are trying to help you, asshole. Just like we are. I cannot understand being rude to someone who is honestly trying to help you. Maybe if they are in such a hurry to talk to their paper buyer, then maybe they should be prepared before they call. Calling up and demanding to speak with who ever before you even really understand why you are calling defeats the purpose of being in a hurry. Because the person that picks up the call is going to ask them for their name,dealership and application number. Name, rank, number, simple as that. But I guess you can't expect too much from someone when you ask them which state they are calling from and they tell you the name of the dealership. Good job.

I can't sleep

Sometimes I think I should go back to school. I know I'm not the best at anything I do but damnit if she can get a master's in illustration then I figure I should at least be able to flunk out of a master's program. I'm sure her foundation work is probably the shit, though. She probably can really draw and paint. But if that's the case then maybe she should show that instead. And maybe I should keep my mouth shut until I'm published, as she is. Until then take this, Pow!

Her Cheshire Cat picture is pretty dope though...

Going Hungry

Since it's lent and I can't have any meat, I finally am letting Nate borrow Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volume One in exchange for the first season of the BBC The Office. Rise chicken, rise.