Still nothing

Maybe the picture I sent to Juxtapose wasn't good enough. After looking through the reader's art section, maybe I should have sent something more like this:
They would probably post this since it looks like the type of art they like to promote. If you look through the reader art section and even some of the features, you will see some evidence that it really doesn't take much to be an artist other than who you know. I'm not trying to disrespect any artist, only the institution that has become modern art.


Zoe said...

On the money honey....
I looked at the site too and found the same thing. Chicks with sparkels on their faces and uninteresting child like stuff.
Oh well, don't abort the mission yet!

Henry said...

I'm not going to. I might send them something else that's hand drawn. I'm thinking part of the problem is that it was a photo and not a drawing, painting etc. But don't get me wrong, I really liked a lot of the work on the site. It's just too bad that many of the artist have styles that too closley resemble work we have already seen.