I must suck or something

Isn't it weird when people who don't even know you can already guess when you are bad at something? Like in gym class, when a group of guys didn't think I could climb the rope. I’m short so automatically that makes me some kind of pussy. So I proceeded to climb it without the use of my legs. Just my arms, which was something they could not do. Pussies. Which brings me to my second example. I emailed a local gallery just to see what exactly they would need to see in order to be considered for a show. Well that was about two weeks ago at least and still no reply. Therefore I can conclude only one thing. They must have a psychic on board and they have already deemed my work as crap and discarded any knowledge of my email.


Henry said...

Well thank you. It's good to hear that you are every bit a displeased as myself with the "art"
community here. What it really comes down to is that it is a small
elitist group of friends who have the money to show off their tired pieces of repetitive, boring art instead of having to work a real job. Because the majority of these so called artist who are supposedly "working" really do not sell any work. None of the work being shown is of any relevance and of little quality. One may be able to say the same of mine but that is a different story. We are talking about why no one will be able to judge that for themselves.
You know as well as I do that there were artist of the highest caliber that we studied with in high school who will never have the same opportunities because of who they do not know. But that's ok; we'll get a foot up in there. I don't plan on being shut out in this cultural pothole of a city.

Henry said...

Well you have already seen the first six or so but it has been a while. The next five only exist in sketch form as of this moment but I will once I finish them. That could take a while since they will be about 16"X20" and done in ink. I'm still working on the first but maybe I'll post some in-progress picts.

Henry said...

I thought the King of Hands logo was pretty cool. I thought it got the feel down. Back to the bricks and all. But as far as creating a movement, I'm not sure I'm up to the task. I'm in a place where I really need to do things on my own. This whole projct is real internal and I feel like I do want to bring others out to the forefront but now is not the time. I feel kind of selfish and all but it's really what I need to get of the ground. The less weight the better. But like I said, once things are where I want them, then that is a goal of mine. I'm tired of the elitist club artist. But local artist Curt Clonts, who I've been watching for a while had some interesting things to say on http://www.f5wichita.com/view/index.php?pubdate=2005-09-29&story=2943, check it out. But yeah, post some shit and I'll let you know and by all means let me know. Word.