It's A New Year, Blah, Blah Blah.

Since I completely missed posting about the changing of the guard, I figured I'd go ahead and do it now. This year threatens to be the scariest ever. I'll be twenty-nine this birthday(gasp!). Only another year before the big three-0. Also there is the possibility Sarah and I will be moving. If she gets into a grad school outside Wichita then its Now Leaving Wichita for real. I've never lived anywhere else and that makes me a little apprehensive about it. There's all the starting over bullshit we'll both have to go through. other than that, I figure '07 won't be as big a deal as '06. I have a whole list of life goals and resolutions I plan to not achieve just like last year. School is looking more and more tolerable and may even become an actual possibility. The only reason I really have for not going back is just because I don't want to. Everyday at works does something to reverse that though. Who knows? At the risk of sounding cliche; It's a new year.

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