Welcome to loserville. Population, me

I failed in my attempt to prove Sarah wrong. I have not finished my picture yet. Despite working till 1am last night, it remains incomplete. I need new pens though. I could cover a lot more ground if I wasn't trying to cover large areas with a .005 pen. But it's ok. The only thing she wins are bragging rights and I'll finish it soon enough, hopefully by the weekend. I will, however, still need to mat and frame it. A feat that will be a lot more easily realized once I have a good mat cutter. The handheld cutter sucks, but it's better than nothing. I do have one picked out that I want though. The price tag of about $140 is not too bad considering some of the others go for around $400. I want it. I love framing in general. If Michael's paid the same and gave me the same number of hours I never would have left the frame shop. Oh well.

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