Ok, listen to this bullshit. We were talking about bad movies and the Benifer movie came up. A comment was made about whether or not Jennifer Lopez has made a good movie and I mentioned The Cell. We began talking about the part with the horse which made me bring up Damien Hirst, who may or may not have been the inspiration for the scene. I began explaining to Brian about how an "artist" named Mark Bridger poured black ink into one of Damien's sculptures called "Away from the flock". This piece features a white sheep suspended in a tank of formaldehyde. He was not protesting the work and did this as an act of "conceptual art", which I would translate as vandalism. He actually thought that Damien would not be upset about his actions. A few years later Damien Hirst published an art book featuring "Away from the flock" which included a pull tab. When pulled it would fill the tank with "black ink", obscuring the animal suspended in the fluid. Here's the kicker, wait for it... After it was published, Bridger sued him for copyright infringement. Ain't that some shit? The fact that he had the balls. If I was the judge in that case I would have just thrown it out. Then ordered Mr Bridger socked in the nuts. Now that's justice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

before i had read the end of your post, and after reading what happened, i was overwhelmed by a fury to hear of mr. bridger being dealt a mighty blow to the nuts. this is your best post ever. but the payoff needs to manifest itself in real time. your nuts, bridger, have got to go.