Having to come back to work right after Christmas blows. Especially when you have cool presents. But at least we are slow. Sooooo slow. I've been looking non-stop at the website for Shadow of the Colossus. Sarah bought it for me for Christmas and I can't wait to crack it open and feast upon the gooey insides. You have to check this game out, at least to revel in the art direction. It's by the same people who did Ico. If you never played that game then you suck and I'm glad you missed a modern day masterpiece. I have to go home and play it. I really can't sit still in my chair. I have to play it! My parent also bought me X-Men Legends 2. It looks awsome and it's multi-player, which is totally sweet. I still wish I could get my hands on the arcade version of X-Men. All in all it was a good haul and from what I could tell everyone was pleased with their gifts. Saturday sucked because we were dead then too, so I decided to take some pictures of my work space so Sarah could see the suck that my life is.
This is my space. Until a few weeks ago, the only things on my walls were work releated. Nothing to tell who sat in my seat, no personal effects.
Here is a lovley shot of my notary stamp. Beautiful.

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