I tend to be a bit of an asshole when it comes to other peoples work. It may be because I’ve spent the majority of my life around other artist, but when I see work that to me feels like the artist didn't put any work into at all, I know I end up sounding like an asshole. I know I'm hyper critical of art, and this is even more true of my own art, but there are times when I have to compare my work with other's and I don't see any comparison. But then there are those that make you step back and re-evaluate that assessment. Such as When I stumbled across this site I was amazed at his technical ability and the quality of his work. Non-artist always speak of this THING that artist have, that makes them able to recreate life in a drawing or photograph or with a block of clay. He is someone who I would say has it. I've been to his site several times to look at the same pictures I looked at last time. Unfortunately I haven't translated the site so I don't know what he is talking about. But visually it's a good site and I enjoy looking at his work. Photography is something I would like to do more of. Here's a couple I've done that I think are simple but effective. Let me know what you think.

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