You're Going Up The River, Sawdust For Brains

So Paris Hilton is surprised she's going to jail. After getting stopped three times while driving on a suspended license. Three times. Let my black ass get stopped once for supposedly having a tail light out and I have to sit in my car for the better part of an hour as officers call for back up and run my license and plates. Never mind the fact that the light wasn't out. Her mom even had the nerve to complain that the system doesn't work. No shit. That's why it took three times for her to be in any real trouble. These rich assholes don't understand how many breaks they are given and still want to gripe about the lot that's cast. The bitch knew her license was suspended. She even signed a slip showing she acknowledged the suspension. But hell, what are you gonna do. Wynonna Ryder never even saw a jail cell after stealing $6,000.00 worth of merchandise. With her rich ass. Let me get caught with a candy bar I didn't pay for and I'll be sitting in a federal prison without access to a lawyer for supporting terrorism. I just better remember to plead the fif.

Update- That bitch was caught driving again, after she has already been sentenced to jail time for doing just that. I don't think the judge was off the mark when she said Paris had no regard for the law.

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