I'm so glad we had this little chat
Communication is vital in the business world, right. Managers, supervisors, bosses should always know more than the grunts, right. Why then did our boss, the site big cheese, descend his Mount Olympus too wring our feeble little necks. I know why, the rest of the team knows why. But did he? Yesterday was a very busy day. Any clues as to why? Most businesses are closed the Friday after Thanksgiving (of course we aren't, that's the kind of business we are) which leads most customers to not call. Hence us not being busy. The Monday after though, is a different situation. But not only did we get bombed but also one of our main programs we use to process request, decided to crash. Shot all to hell. All day. Plus, in an effort to reach the coveted service level we are expected to maintain, they take several people from our team to take regular phone calls. So we have our workforce basically halved and the agents on the floor had no choice but to keep the request till today when the program is back up. I'm sure you can guess where this is going. So about five, five-thirty he decides to come down to our cubicles and ask rather loudly as to why there are over five hundred request in the system. Now remember, he is the site manager. He should have a handle on all that is happening, right? Well, he still asked? Not only that but he also took the stats that someone had just printed. I can't wait till tomorrow when he sees my name, as well as others, not on it. I have my own project to work on plus there is a whole other database he probably won't look at. I just think it's weird that instead of going to one of the Operations Managers, he come straight to us to bitch us out. But then again, I've been here too long to really be that surprised.
There Used To Be A Box There
When Sarah and I moved, I brought home an envelope box that our cat, Niccalo, quickly laid claim to. You know how cats are, boxes and paper bags and what not. Well, this box followed us from the month before we moved all the way to the new apartment, where it now resides. With him inside. But recently we had a cold snap, and to make sure he remained warm inside his box, Sarah placed a towel inside it. This however, placed more stress on the fragile walls of the box. I don't really need to explain what happened next, but I wil for comedic purposes. The front wall gave way first. Which was fine because he could still sit inside it with his front paws outstretched in front of him. We then moved the box away from the patio door to once again make sure he remained warm. After the move, though, the end came swiftly. Here you see him in his box before the Great Wall collapsed:

Notice how snug of a fit it is. And here he is Saturday:

See how he doesn't even try to fit into it anymore. He's just given up. That cracks me up.
I finished another picture today. It's a lot more minimalistic that I usually do, but I like it all the same. I haven't posted in a while, due mostly to the "management" at work cracking down. But I'll try to keep everything up to date but it's kind of hard once I get home. This is the last thing I'm thinking about. No wait, that would be work. Well, either way, I added the picture to Flicr and added to link here on my Myspace page. I also sent out a bulletin letting my friends know there was a new picture up. I wonder how many will actually take the time to look. I find it funny though that all the comments posted were from this computer, but not by me. But it still looks that way though, despite those posting the comments leaving their names. I just want everyone to know that it wasn't me posting them and that other people actually looked and posted about my pictures. And no, these other people do not reside in my head... In case you were wondering.
More proof of my crappy-ness
I opened a Flicr account to show off my lame-o artwork. There's a link to it on my sidebar. See it? It's right over there. No, not there damnit! Look, if you aren't even going to try. Ok... Good. Feel free to check it out and don't foget to tell me to not quit my day job. God, I hate myself sometimes. But then I use the spell checker and it tells me I misspelled "forget". See above if you missed it. Among others, it also offered a correction to "fagged". Keep in mind "forget" was not one of my options. God, I hate Blogger's spell checker even more. All the time. So I left "foget" on purpose. Because I'm a passive aggressive asshole. Bah!

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