Every Video Game Should Have A Photo Mode

Like these pictures I took on Metal Gear Solid 2. That's my boy 'Ol Gimpy.

Tell 'em how it is Gimpy! Say it right!

I love it. I just wish every game had a mode like this. That's part of the reason I love GT4 so much. That and the... rest of game, I guess.

I'd Like To Thank My Studio Audience

I want to thank everybody who came to my B-day party. It was a lot of fun and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Maybe that was the booze. But either way, it makes me happy to know that there are still people who can make the effort to at least pretend to like me. I'd also like to thank my friends at work who loaded me up with so much sugar I didn't sleep all weekend.

In Memory Of My Yellow Dog

I had a dream about my dog, Amei-Chan. We were playing in the front yard with my mom and everything was good. She rolled around and did that thing where she scratched her snout with her front paws. Then I remembered she was dead. I woke up after that. It made me really sad. But I was happy to have that dream about her. Almost like it was as close to her as I could get. I've never wanted to rub her stinky belly so much.

Oh well. It was a much better dream than the one I had the night before. For some reason I had to avenge my father's death by killing Boss Hogg from the Dukes Of Hazard. I couldn't get to him though. Bastard. You can run now, since I'm not asleep! And you just keep on running, you son of a bitch! I'll catch up to you some night!

Anatomy of a Hiatus

For the complete story about the kittens, go to myspace. Friends only... bitches.