I had a dream about my dog, Amei-Chan. We were playing in the front yard with my mom and everything was good. She rolled around and did that thing where she scratched her snout with her front paws. Then I remembered she was dead. I woke up after that. It made me really sad. But I was happy to have that dream about her. Almost like it was as close to her as I could get. I've never wanted to rub her stinky belly so much.

Oh well. It was a much better dream than the one I had the night before. For some reason I had to avenge my father's death by killing Boss Hogg from the Dukes Of Hazard. I couldn't get to him though. Bastard. You can run now, since I'm not asleep! And you just keep on running, you son of a bitch! I'll catch up to you some night!