We had some severe weather today, resulting in a tornado warning for our county. During the warning we were told to leave our desk and move to the hallway outside our suite to cower before natures mighty wrath. Which never came. That sounded a little disappointed. I wasn't. I was just sad that we had to return to our desk so soon. The whole ordeal only lasted about 30 minutes. But even after the ok to go back it still looks kind of ugly outside. I guess we'll be in the tornado watch until 11 tonight. Exciting, huh? Well, while in the hall I had to stand next to the smelly lady. I didn't even realize it till it was too late. Damn, that's mean. But sorry. I've had my moments, like everyone else, but you know those people that stink so bad that you smell them after they've left. That's her. I can feel myself sinking closer and closer to hell the more I write mean things about her. Every keystroke is another nail in the coffin. Well, at least she can say she has all her hair. Booya, Henry! Take that. Oh Snap! Shazam! That's in your face! Like a man with no arms, you can't hang! And so forth. Damn I am bored. I had about three lien releases open that took me an hour to do. I just kept looking at them, choking back the tears of boredom, then swearing rabidly at the dealer on the phone while I have him on mute.
Nate called though and said he was coming back on Tuesday. Thank God. Now his incessant chatter will drown out "Those Two" again. That's right, that's the only reason I want you to come back! Now what? What are you gonna do? Drown me with your tears? Oh Snap! Take that Nate! Ok I need to go home.