Leon has been avenged. I beat Resident Evil 4 the other night. I have to say that it is the hardest easy game to beat. I felt challenged but most of the times where I died were due to me "trying things". You know that old joke "what are a rednecks last words? Hey y'all, watch this!" That kind of stuff. "I wonder if I can hit him there. I wonder if this grenade will make his teeth click", or trying to knife fight something that you really shouldn't get close enough to stab. But either way, it is done. But enough of the games.
I finished another picture Tuesday. It wasn't the large one that I should have finished a long time ago though. It did however take me two months to finally get it done. I'll try and finish the big one very soon. It's soooo close. I just need to buckle down and do it. Of course, once that's done I have another I've been slowly penciling so that when I am ready to work on it, it won't take nearly as long. I'll probably post the finished product later. I'm a little wary of that though since there has been talk of people taking images from other blogs and professing that they are indeed the artist. I spoke with a co-worker and he said I should set up a Myspace account to show my work. That way I could advertise it. I don't know about that but at least I could keep track of who had access to my work. I don't know, I'll figure all that out later.
Revenge is a dish best served with a boomstick and a smile. As I vowed, I am currently avenging Leon on Resident Evil 4. So far I've died about twenty times doing so, but despite that high number, I've actually progressed pretty far in the game. That and many of the times have been through trial and error. Just to be safe, when you fight the two giants in the mine, make sure one has been thoroughly swallowed up by the lava before you get too close to it. Just to let you know. Ouch. That is one creepy game and I love it for that reason. Just the chill you get when you hear that chainsaw rev up. I'm still mad that my body ran a couple of steps after one of the Sisters clotheslined me with her chainsaw blade. Ouch again. But worry not Leon, I will avenge you. I will also obtain the weapon called the Chicago Typewriter. It's a Tommygun! And that has to the perfect name for it. Usually there are cool names for the weapons, like the Broken Butterfly magnum revolver or the Riot Gun shotgun. I just hope you can use it in the regular game and not just in Ada's mini-game. Either way, I'm sure I'll laugh a disturbing laugh as it tears through a crowd of Gonados. He he he, I can't wait. BOOM, HEADSHOT! BOOM, HEADSHOT!
So Close, But Still So Far
Ok, listen to this bullshit. We were talking about bad movies and the Benifer movie came up. A comment was made about whether or not Jennifer Lopez has made a good movie and I mentioned The Cell. We began talking about the part with the horse which made me bring up Damien Hirst, who may or may not have been the inspiration for the scene. I began explaining to Brian about how an "artist" named Mark Bridger poured black ink into one of Damien's sculptures called "Away from the flock". This piece features a white sheep suspended in a tank of formaldehyde. He was not protesting the work and did this as an act of "conceptual art", which I would translate as vandalism. He actually thought that Damien would not be upset about his actions. A few years later Damien Hirst published an art book featuring "Away from the flock" which included a pull tab. When pulled it would fill the tank with "black ink", obscuring the animal suspended in the fluid. Here's the kicker, wait for it... After it was published, Bridger sued him for copyright infringement. Ain't that some shit? The fact that he had the balls. If I was the judge in that case I would have just thrown it out. Then ordered Mr Bridger socked in the nuts. Now that's justice!
Surly only looks out for one guy
Sometimes I hate too much. It kind of makes my stomach hurt. All the hating I do. It's like working two jobs, being angry and all. And then it pisses me off at working two jobs and not getting paid for one of them. And then I get paid and find out I'm still broke and it makes me even more angry. And then people tell me I need anger management and that makes me even more angry. So I tell them to shove it and it makes them angry, which in turn makes me angry because they can't take joke. It's a vicious cycle. Break the cycle man, break the cycle.
If you build it, they will come...Maybe
A friend was complaining that no one goes to his blog. I didn't know he even had one till last night. If you don't tell anyone, then no one will ever know. But now I know, and knowing is half the battle. I've linked to it, so now the hypothetical readers of my blog may become hypothetical readers of his too. Like one big hypothetical family. Hypothetically.
Welcome to loserville. Population, me
I failed in my attempt to prove Sarah wrong. I have not finished my picture yet. Despite working till 1am last night, it remains incomplete. I need new pens though. I could cover a lot more ground if I wasn't trying to cover large areas with a .005 pen. But it's ok. The only thing she wins are bragging rights and I'll finish it soon enough, hopefully by the weekend. I will, however, still need to mat and frame it. A feat that will be a lot more easily realized once I have a good mat cutter. The handheld cutter sucks, but it's better than nothing. I do have one picked out that I want though. The price tag of about $140 is not too bad considering some of the others go for around $400. I want it. I love framing in general. If Michael's paid the same and gave me the same number of hours I never would have left the frame shop. Oh well.
The end of days...again

For some reason, probably all the conflict happening in the world, people are beginning to wonder if these are a sign of the end of days. Really people...Things have always been this bad and people have always done the horrific things that we all read about in the papers. The only difference are the means. Nowadays terrorist use bombs, but there have been guns for hundreds of years and swords and knives since the beginning of time. People have always died on the edge of them by the thousands and still the Savior has not returned. I'm not saying He's not coming or anything but I think everyone is a lot more jumpy than they need to be. Besides, when they say it could happen in our lifetimes, based on what's in the bible, it won't be in most of our lifetimes because most of us are supposed to be killed off in all the carnage that leads up to His coming. What's the point of this post? I don't even know. It just irritates me with all the religious types pinning for the Second Coming believing that they are the chosen few who will ascend to Heaven. Most of the shit you people do outside of the church pretty much guarantees you a spot on the rollercoaster to Hell. Much deserved. But that's judging! I guess I'll see you all in Hell too. Elevator to Hell, going down!
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