It looks like the only thing I did right this weekend was get shot full of holes. We played Halo at my cousin's Saturday night. After watching the Jayhawks lose to Bradley, I was in the mood for some killn'. And kill I did. However, looking at my bullet-riddled body laying all spread eagle while waiting to respawn took up most of the night. I also got hit in the face a lot with the butts of other people's guns. But it was all worth it in the spirit of fun. That and
Nate sucks a lot worse than I do. Remember that time I hit you in the back of the head with my gun? Oh, no you don't, ha. I did end up carrying my team towards the end of the night since Michael, Todd and Linden weren't pulling their weight. Yup, it was all me, leading our team straight into the jaws of defeat. Well, we all played well but the youngin's there still showed us up. Royce got a good portion of it on film but I don't know how much he can use without editing for massive amounts of swearing. "Wait, he went over, where did he, no, oh shit, goddamnit not again. Hurry up and spawn. Alright now, damn man, you fucking fragged me, hurry up and spawn." Yeah, that was my night. But as I left, Jonathan challenged me to a game of Street Fighter Alpha. One day the boys will learn that I've been playing Street Fighter when they were still in elementary school. And that's where I took him. Yeah Yeah. They also showed us a video called "Juggernaught bitch." It's an episode of X-Men dubbed over with some hilarious commentary. Comb your beard and go to to view it asap.