You know, I can understand someone being upset about others making fun of something that is sacred to you. But at the same time I can't understand wanting to behead someone over it. That means I would have to kill the staff of not only The Family Guy but also The Simpson, who I have already contemplated killing because of the awful writing. I'm sorry, but that just eludes me and maybe it's because of my religious background, but I will never understand killing another over an ignorant insult that can be ignored. But the protesters... They do not want to be pictured as terrorist and instead want to be seen in this holiest of holy lights when they are chanting about how the cartoonist need to have their heads removed from their bodies. Is that how you honor you God, is by breaking his laws. Maybe avenging his reputation outweights killing a human being but the way I figure, if he created the universe, he doesn't need my help in punishing some smart-ass cartoonist. I'm not attacking Islam but the clerics need to think about how the world sees them. They are considered holy men but there are those that are inciting the crowds with calls for revenge. "Holy men", huh. Is this how worldly, honorable, God fearing men behave. It sounds like it helps their agenda more than Gods. I just wish that they would understand that if you want to be seen as a peaceful people, you can't blow other people up, infidels or not.