Steppn' out

I hate clubs. Even more, I hate clubs in Wichita. But it is Mark's birthday so I guess it would be wrong to not go, damn it. I just hate clubs so much. I'm crossing my fingers something will come up but more than likely I'll be sitting at the table, nursing my one beer for the night and waiting for the girls to get tired of dancing so that we can leave. At least Sarah and Christina have to work early tomorrow and everyone hates crowds, so maybe we will have an early night. Here's hoping. I hate clubs.

So now we're Nazis

Damn it. Now we're Nazis. I always thought they were the bad guys, like in the Indiana Jones movies or Castle Wolfenstein. But now, according to the much loved Dicta... President of Cuba, Fidel Castro, our president Bush is as bad as Hitler. Now I'm no fan of our cowboy, smoke em' out, draw!, it's curtains (?) president but that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. In order to compare him to Hitler he would have to get the whole country behind him, a feat I must add, he has not accomplished, convince us that causing bodily harm to a minority group of people is OK and carry out such atrocities as were seen during world war two. I'm sorry, but he has not crossed that line yet, no matter how unconstitutional the wiretaps were, which I must also protest. Either way, Between Fidel and Hugo, the communist Marx Brothers who muscled their way into "office" sure have a lot to say about us instead of focusing of the shit that's happening in their own countries.

And remember, you must find the jade monkey before the next full moon

So I had a rather uneventful weekend, other than getting a fix-it ticket for the burnt out headlight on the truck. Which because of I have to make this observation. You never see cops when someone else on the road is in violation, whether it be a headlight, speeding or driving drunk. But as soon as you inch on to the road they just materialize behind you, lights flashing and sirens wailing. Oh well, it's only a fix-it ticket. They looked right over the twenty corpses I happened to be taking to the pig farm that night. And I am aware that the title of this post has nothing to do with the subject, thanks.

I Need Money And A Big Wall

Part of the problem with my work is that I do not have the funds or means to create the things I would like to. An example would be a series I did that I believe would look really good if they were printed as very large murals:

Either way, I lack the printing capabilities or the wall space. I do have to agree with Sarah though. Since I do not possess these things I will have to keep doing what I do until I have the opportunities to create on the that scale. She said instead of the Sake bottle or the black mask that no one could tell what it is, she said I should have used one of these:

A bad scan though it is...

My fours

I received this email from my friend Sean so I decided to post it here. Here are my fours:
1. Scrapyard
2. Warehouse
3. Picture framer
4. Call center stooge
1. Akira
2. Top Gun
3. Star Wars (original trilogy)
4. Edward Scissorhands
1. Wichita, KS
2. Wichita, KS
3. Wichita, KS
4. Wichita, KS
1. The Simpsons re-runs (The new ones suck )
2. Family Guy
3. Ku Basketball
4. Chapelle Show
1. San Francisco, California
2. Taos, New Mexico
3. Chicago,Il (hi Emily!!!!!)
4. Houston,Tx
1. Carpathian Kitten Loss
3. Fighting In A
4. Decafe Photography
1. Kwan Court
2. Old Chicago
3. Kobe Steakhouse
4. Any place I can get Sake
1. Wichita State University
2. Butler County Community College
3. Northeast Magnet High school
4. Brooks Middle School
1. Shepherd's pie
2. Pizza
3. Dad's BBQ Burgers
4. Chilidogs
1. A One Man Show
2. A House
3. No more headaches, literal or figurative
4. A chance to see more of the world without the fear of being kidnapped
1. Ry
2. Black
3. H-Dogg
4. Dat Nigga Daz

Still nothing

Maybe the picture I sent to Juxtapose wasn't good enough. After looking through the reader's art section, maybe I should have sent something more like this:
They would probably post this since it looks like the type of art they like to promote. If you look through the reader art section and even some of the features, you will see some evidence that it really doesn't take much to be an artist other than who you know. I'm not trying to disrespect any artist, only the institution that has become modern art.

Another title-less post

Another title-less post. Another Tuesday at work. Another unfinished picture at home. Another day without any new emails. Another feeling of discontent. Another post with no comments.

No news yet

I submitted the photo of my sake flask to Juxtapose the other day under the reader art section. It's the one from the December 5th post. I haven't heard or seen anything yet but I'm not giving up. I'm trying to be nice to the art world and not hit them over the head, but maybe that's what it will take. Something like this:
Is that too morbid? I just hope it's different that the cookie cutter art that is being churned out at all these fancy art schools. But maybe it's too dark and uncomfortable for the masses. In the way that Goya's "Saturn Devouring His Children",1819-1823, was for the 19th century. I hope so. Maybe that's morbid of me but hey, I did make this after all. I just don't want to be too dark because that stigma tends to stick and if I ever feel like making more of my bullshit, silly-ass pictures, everyone will say that I sold out. Maybe then it's good that I"m not an artist and those that call themselves artist choose to ignore me.

Just to piss me off

So Saturday and Sunday where actually nice days. So I decided, "hey, it's been very long time since I washed my car and it's kind of disgusting. So I will." And I did. My car enjoyed just a little over 24 hours of being clean. And then... It snowed. Now it looks like it did before I washed it. Like ashy Larry.


Also on my lunch break I went home and while there realized that I did not have my wallet. I looked everywhere for it but to no avail. Finally I said a prayer to Saint Anthony. Yep god ol' never-helps-me-find-anything-despite-being-the- patron-saint-of-lost-items Saint Anthony. So in my frustration I vowed never to ask him for anything again. Again. And then I found my wallet. Such a twisted relationship we have.

Punching things

I find it a little strange that if you select "punching things" under my interest list, two girls under the age of eighteen and a "Battle Bovine" appear. I just thought that was interesting. Maybe not.

Another untitled post

Is any of this art? I make pictures sure. But really, is any of it art? I feel kind of bummed out because no matter how bomb I think something is, I get the same responses to it all. I don't feel like it's good enough if people are still wearing socks after they see it. If I don't hear the next day that the picture I showed them the previous day was the shit, then I feel like a failure. All this time, and no one really cares. And yes this is my late night boo-hoo post but damnit, sometimes I need to. So much time feels lost with only irrelevant pictures to show for it all. I want to hit people hard but everyone walks away like it was a slap. And maybe I'm showing the wrong people. Or maybe the layman's opinion is the most trustworthy.

Bull's Eye

Why is it that whenever you come outside and your car has been bombarded by bird shit, there is never any on the ground around your car. That's right, they aim for your car. They make a game of it. I've watched them. They give each other extra points if they nail your windshield while you are driving or if you are leaving the car wash. Assholes. My car was riddled today, but strangely enough, the cars parked in the same area were not touched. Assholes.

Now leaving 2005

Well, so long '05. I'm writing this while nursing a hang over. I'm convinced the smaller the party, the more you drink. With only about seven people, I thought it was a lot of fun. But I was drunk... Yeah, work it.

I don't suppose anyone will forgive me for posting these but you know... It had to be done. I couldn't not post these. Thanks for the title Royce.
She really wasn't as fucked up as the picture might suggest but I snapped it at an opportune blackmail moment, yessss. Chi-ching!
Here's Sarah, playing the Gunstar Hero, who captured everything that happened that night. It was fun, but I'm glad 2005 is over. It was a pretty non-descript year with some definite low points. But here we all are in the next year.