I'm saving the last bullet for myself
Ok, so I'm at work but that's all I'm doing. Being here. All the printers in the site are down, Lotus notes is behaving erratically and our Oregon office has closed early. I'm so close to taking that standard issue cyanide capsule. Then everything will be ok. Everything will be ok. All the printers work in heaven...
And then I'm going to blast my glutes
Ok, so I know there are nights where there is absolutely nothing happening. Those nights make for slow news reports. But why in holy hell was there a story about the workout routines of the women of desperate Housewives? On the local news? Celebrities have penetrated every part of our normal everyday lives. Now when I want to see what's happening in the world I get to see how many millions John Travolta gives his daughter on her birthdays. Millions... Gives... Why are we bombarded with this shit? I hate 'em, I hate 'em all. And no, it's not because they're rich and I'm not, oh wait yeah it is. Rich motherfuckers.
Who writes this stuff?
Man, I have a lot of ranting post lately. And most of them are about topics I really don't like talking about. Maybe that's why I tend to write so much about them. Either way, I'm going to shift the focus back to what I had originally intended. Boobies. Oh wait, that's my other website. If you see boobies here, it's because I'm being artsy or something. But back to the reason I started this all. I like to draw, which is obvious here:

Why can't I stop ranting...
Rep. Duncan Hunter of California says, "Right now, in Iraq, we are changing the world. ... We're changing a very strategic part of the world in such a way that it will not be a threat to the United States and, in fact, will be an ally in the global war against terror." Now correct me if I'm wrong, but the country we are "changing" doesn't belong to us. There has not been any proof that the war in Iraq has been justified and to go in and change a country that doesn't belong to you sounds a bit Manifest Destiny to me. Who are these "lawmakers" trying to convince that we did the right thing in Iraq? I'm just tired of the bullshit. Maybe if the Bush administration had just come clean and said "Hey, I need to go to Iraq to kick Saddam's ass", I don't think that half of America would have opposed that war. Shit, sometimes you just need to kick that muthafucka's ass. Why is it such a noble cause to have the youth of America, many who were mislead into "get money for college", shipped overseas to be blown up by savages. And when I say "savages", I in no way, shape or form am referring to those of the Islamic faith. I mean the people who follow the perversion of it and all fundamentalist who believe them to be the mouth of the Great Silent One. These kids are fighting fanatics in a way the asshole lawmakers can't even imagine. Except maybe those that saw some kind of action in 'Nam. This world does not belong to America and the reason everyone else in the world hates America is because of that. Don't come onto my soil, claiming you know what's best for me. We as Americans know how we would act if we were occupied. Shit we don't even want our neighbors on our lawn. And as American's I don't understand how we can let these fuckers use these scare tactics to keep us afraid of other countries and cultures. To convince us that our way of life is the only one to live. It's that same as the terrorist claiming jihad against the infidels, condemning all those who do not walk the extreme Muslim life. But nowhere near as worse because they only use force to push their ideals. We have been subtlety brainwashed to believe in our pampered, spoiled lifestyles, that our government is watching our backs and keeping us safe. If so then why are they fabricating stories about a big bad dictator who's coming to get us?

That shit is gross
Nate said he was going to talk about this on his blog : http://www.brownpolyestershirt.blogspot.com/, but he hasn't updated it in months, slacker. But as was discussed a couple of days ago, we both noticed an oddity in the trash bin outside the building. It's the kind that has the flaps so the trash inside doesn't escape, not unlike the one at your local Mickey Dee's. Well I noticed it first on Saturday when I went to deposit the remains of my lunch. As I approached it I noticed what looked like hair. Human hair. Being curious I decided to take a closer look instead of just tossing my trash. It was a slow day and perhaps I needed a little excitement. So as I used my Wendy's sack to hold open the door, I peeked in expecting to see a severed head or something. Only it was worse. It was someone’s weave. And that shit was gross. Sure enough, Nate comes in Monday and as he begins I already know what he's talking about. A real head, flies and all, wouldn't have been as gross. Unless the eyes were open, maybe. Blugh.
I'd like to thank God for all my ills
Why is it that when I was flipping the channels last night I came across T.I. winning an award on the Vibe awards. Why is it that he was able to win anything? But judging from the others in the category I'm not all that surprised. But of course he begins with "I'd like to thank God". When did it become appropriate "? But it's got a good beat, right? I just do not understand the direction rap has taken and why they feel like they need to brag about destroying other people. "I'd like to thank God for destroying the community with the drugs I used to sell and for that time I robbed a mother of her child because that muthafucka was talkn' shit at the club. Then there was those bitches I degraded by skeeting on their faces and then dumping out of my Escalade, stupid bitches." It sounds more like something you would tell a priest because you are seeking forgiveness. Of course the majority of them really don't need confession because they fake jacks and all, but still. What happened to making good music that wasn't about fucking each other up. Why is it so hard to make something that is genuinely happy? "Because life in the ghetto isn't happy." Give it a fucking rest. Life is shit and we are all covered in it. But it's the times when we forget that are the moments when we really live. And those times don't cost any money and not limited to any one group of people. To The Windows, To The Wall! And if you really live your life then I think that is something God will thank you for.
Elvis is King(?)
People's collective memory really is short. Once again on my journey across the internet I stumbled across another topic that gets my goat. Just by reading this, one would probably tend to get the impression that I'm really this hyper, pro-ethnicity back to the motherland kind of God is black people. I'm really not though. What I am though is irritated with society's need to forget that black people are a large part of this country's history. I was reading http://www.catandgirl.com/ and I found it funny that the Cat had no idea that Blondie's "Rapture" song was the first to include rapping and that Marty McFly created Rock 'N Roll. I have this ongoing debate with Sarah that Black people have spearheaded every large music movement in history short of bluegrass and Country. Maybe some others too but, for the most part each movement can more or less be tracked back to us. And no one remembers. Hearing that reminds me of an instance when a friend's girlfriend asked why my cousin and another friend were making fun of her people when they were mock breakdancing. She was Asian. Here, let me say that again. The Asian girl asked why a couple of Black guys (well Durand is Puerto Rican, which we give him shit for all the time; Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico) were making fun of Asians because they "created" breakdancing. She was born after 1980 so it's a little understandable that she would not know where it's roots, but come on. Turbo and Ozone are turning over in their graves(are they still alive?). Now it's all Asian boys doing windmills and white boys rocking out on guitars and that's fine. I like the idea of everyone getting involved and showing a different take. It's cool to listen to the music in Cowboy BeBop to hear the Japanese take on jazz and blues. What irritates me more than anything else are the people that created these cultural phenomenons. It really upsets me that we are such a throw away people. What about all the barriers we broke? What about the Harlem renaissance? Why did we spend years building ourselves up only to let ourselves go. Isn't there anything left in us other than rap. What happened to being able to play an instrument or caring a tune? Why is there only 50 cent and R Kelly? I want some answers! Nicole Simpson can't rap, this whole court is out of order! But you know it's not even that rap isn't a valid movement. But when people who can't still are able to make it and influence the genre, wtf? I remember when real MC's would get on the mic and shut down the lame-o's. But nobody buys their albums because their rims aren't spinin' and all their hoe's are in the same area code.Shazam and abracdabra, change this wacky world back the way I remember.
Is it a bad thing at work that instead of actual calendars, they hand out to everyone 12 photocopied pages of a calendar? It's really too bad that there is no way to convince me that my job is not going to end up in India at some point. There are already collection offices there. I remember getting a call; when I still took customer calls; from someone who was upset because they couldn't understand the person who called about their past due payment. They told the customer where they were calling from and that upset them. Me too. I know how business works and all but I mean come on. I was watching Best of the Best (don't laugh, I like that movie) and there were scenes of cars being built in Detroit. Good ole' motorcity. I heard a rumor not too long go that GM was moving production to China because it was cheaper than building cars in Mexico. For fuck's sake man. What about our crumbling economy. What about American jobs. The trade gap is bigger than it's been in how long and these big companies still want to outsource more jobs. Instead of following the hot spots of development that equal quick gains, how about building a strong stable economy at home. If they spent more time building quality items then maybe people overseas would want to trade again. As is, nobody wants the crap we actually do produce. And neither do Americans. Granted I do drive a Mitsubishi but damnit, it's fast. I can't help that.

I talked to my cousin last night. He's going through a rough patch, coming off a breakup. Sarah said something last night that I hadn't thought about in a while, for obvious reasons. She asked if I remembered what it was like to be heartbroken. It's been what seems like a lifetime ago but yeah, I do. We all have that one person, that person who you would no matter what was happening in your life drop everything for. You know who they are. Like I said, a lifetime ago but I still catch glimpses of that life every now and then. "Still she haunts me, phantomwise; Alice moving under skies; never seen by waking eyes." -Louis Carroll.
Here is the first sketch for my next five drawings. They are very rough so don't judge them too harshly. Everyone around me at work thinks I'm crazy because I tend to talk to myself while drawing and writing, which I do on the back of the sketches. Weird, random things. Scary things. Things that will haunt your nightmares. Or maybe not.
I probably won't post the next one until I finish this drawing, but who knows. Maybe I will. I'm such a tease.

I probably won't post the next one until I finish this drawing, but who knows. Maybe I will. I'm such a tease.
Saturdays of Thunder
Working Saturdays blows. I got to work about ten minutes late because my sheets at home had a bear hug of a hold on me. Then the shower had to get all cozy with me. Then I had to leave my girlfriend in the middle of a conversation just to get here and find out half our programs aren't working due to a system upgrade. And you know what that means. Half those programs that aren't working now will never work quite the same again due to the "upgrade". Bah!
Even after all these years I still don't know what "Gleaming The Cube" has to do with skateboarding
I mean the movie never explained it. How does one know when they have "Gleamed The Cube?" I'm not sure but I don't think I ever have.
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